Claimed & Disclaimed
The Malmesbury hoard found by Mimzy in 2012 acquired by Malmesbury museum in 2015 and now on display
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Hammered Hoard found by Jon


WILT-D1DF3F Medieval silver applied bezel finger ring. 1400-1500 Found Upper Seagry. Disclaimed & returned to Mimzy the finder.

A Roman silver finger ring with surviving intaglio of Guiraud’s (1989) type 3g Found in 2018 by Andrew J Harrison and acquired by Bradford -on- Avon Museum for £180.

A crushed Medieval silver bell, probably a hawking bell. Dating to 1375-1600 Findspot,”Heddington” CP. Returned to the finder, Jon

A silver finger ring dating to c. AD 1400-1600. The ring is a three-dimensional depiction of clasped hands The ring features no inscriptions or maker’s marks. Disclaimed and returned to Terry the finder.

A Post-Medieval silver bodkin pin, dating to AD 1600-1700.Disclaimed and returned to Terry the finder.

A 6.88g fragment of a possible (Viking) gold ingot, dating to c. AD 870-950. Found by Matt Fenn. Find acquired by Chippenham Museum.

An incomplete Roman silver spoon handle with bowl entirely missing, dating to c. AD 300-410 Disclaimed and returned to Mimzy the finder.

A Post Medieval silver-gilt dress hook dating between 1500-1600. Found in 2020 at Colerne. Disclaimed and returned in 2023 to the finder, Mimzy

An incomplete silver ring dating from 1150-1350. An external face reads: + A M [ … ].AMOR VINC Love Conquers All Disclaimed and returned to Mimzy the finder.